City-level greenspace coverage annual dynamic
1. Global_1028_cities_greenspace_coverage_trend.shp
This data represents the annual dynamic and trends of greenspace coverage for global 1028 cities in 2000-2018 using the WorldPop population and Landsat-derived greenspace mappings.
Key attributes in the shapefile data:
(1) Trend: temporal trend of greenspace coverage;
(2) P: P-value at a statistically significant level of 0.05;
(3) Y2000-Y2018: Annual greenspace coverage level for year 2000 to 2018;
(4) SouthNorth: Categories of Global South or Global North;
(5) Continent: Categories of continents;
(6) lat/long: Latitude/longitude of the city centriod;
(7) urbanArea: urban areas in Km2.
2. Global_1028_cities_greenspace_coverage_thres20_trend.shp
This data represents the annual dynamic and trends of greenspace coverage (threshold = 0.20) for global 1028 cities in 2000-2018 using the WorldPop population and Landsat-derived greenspace mappings, together with threshold-based linear unmixing classification approach
Key attributes in the shapefile data:
(1) Trend_20: temporal trend of greenspace coverage;
(2) P_20: P-value at a statistically significant level of 0.05;
(3) Y2000-Y2018: Annual greenspace coverage level for year 2000 to 2018;
(4) SouthNorth: Categories of Global South or Global North;
(5) Continent: Categories of continents;
(6) lat/long: Latitude/longitude of the city centriod;
(7) urbanArea: urban areas in Km2.
3. Global_1028_cities_greenspace_coverage_thres30_trend.shp
This data represents the annual dynamic and trends of greenspace coverage (threshold = 0.30) for global 1028 cities in 2000-2018 using the WorldPop population and Landsat-derived greenspace mappings, together with threshold-based linear unmixing classification approach
Key attributes in the shapefile data:
(1) Trend_30: temporal trend of greenspace coverage;
(2) P_30: P-value at a statistically significant level of 0.05;
(3) Y2000-Y2018: Annual greenspace coverage level for year 2000 to 2018;
(4) SouthNorth: Categories of Global South or Global North;
(5) Continent: Categories of continents;
(6) lat/long: Latitude/longitude of the city centriod;
(7) urbanArea: urban areas in Km2.
4. Global_1028_cities_greenspace_coverage_thres40_trend.shp
This data represents the annual dynamic and trends of greenspace coverage (threshold = 0.40) for global 1028 cities in 2000-2018 using the WorldPop population and Landsat-derived greenspace mappings, together with threshold-based linear unmixing classification approach
Key attributes in the shapefile data:
(1) Trend_40: temporal trend of greenspace coverage;
(2) P_40: P-value at a statistically significant level of 0.05;
(3) Y2000-Y2018: Annual greenspace coverage level for year 2000 to 2018;
(4) SouthNorth: Categories of Global South or Global North;
(5) Continent: Categories of continents;
(6) lat/long: Latitude/longitude of the city centriod;
(7) urbanArea: urban areas in Km2.
5. Global_1028_cities_greenspace_coverage_thres50_trend.shp
This data represents the annual dynamic and trends of greenspace coverage (threshold = 0.50) for global 1028 cities in 2000-2018 using the WorldPop population and Landsat-derived greenspace mappings, together with threshold-based linear unmixing classification approach
Key attributes in the shapefile data:
(1) Trend_50: temporal trend of greenspace coverage;
(2) P_50: P-value at a statistically significant level of 0.05;
(3) Y2000-Y2018: Annual greenspace coverage level for year 2000 to 2018;
(4) SouthNorth: Categories of Global South or Global North;
(5) Continent: Categories of continents;
(6) lat/long: Latitude/longitude of the city centriod;
(7) urbanArea: urban areas in Km2.