Supplementary dataset for Thesis title "Functional and mechanistic characterization of ΔNp63α in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma"
This study aims to characterize the functional role of ΔNp63α in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. ΔNp63α is the predominant isoform of p63 in normal esophgeal and ESCC. Moreover, ΔNp63α is often overexpressed in ESCC patients, therefore, depletion of p63 was used to study the functional role of the specific p63 isoform, ΔNp63α, in ESCC, since other p63 isoforms are barely expressed in ESCC.
Effect of p63 depletion on tumor growth was examined by using the in vivo subcutaneous tumorigenesis assay
Western blot was used to verify the knockout efficiency of p63fKO and functional knockout of other targets. Western blot was also used to examine the effect of p63fKO on the expression of proteins of interest.
RT-qPCR verification on the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), and Itgam, and other genes of interests, on ESCC cell line-derived xenografts upon p63 depletion. These experiments aim to examine the effect of p63 depletion on ESCC cell lines and ESCC tumor microenvironment.