Supporting Data For "Quantity Display Optimization in Online Grocery Retailing: How Visual Aids of Quantity Presentation Increase Preference for Larger-Quantity Packs over Smaller-Quantity Packs"
Online retailing platforms are adopting various practices to present quantities of grocery items on the webpages where consumers make quantity-based purchase decisions.
The current research identifies a solution based on visual aids—supplementing the numerical information with a corresponding number of visual icons—to promote product packs containing more individual units. Thirteen preregistered, incentive-compatible studies (N = 6,388) demonstrate that our proposed solution of visual aids of quantity presentation shifts consumers’ preferences from smaller-quantity packs toward larger-quantity packs, compared to the numerical presentation of quantity.
This research extends the literature by demonstrating that visual aids can even influence perceptions of easy-to-assess quantities and generates novel managerial insights into the optimization of quantity presentation practice on online grocery shopping.