HKU Data Repository

Supporting Data for "Bone quality assessment using internal reference quantitative computed tomography for pre-operative planning on spinal surgery"

posted on 2022-06-13, 08:32 authored by Kedi Yang

These uploaded data are supporting material for the thesis, including the validation raw data, original coding and the presentation for seminars:

(1) The raw data of CT values of clinical patients were measured by the developed system and the predicate for comparison as validation study. The CT values includes the paraspinal muslce tissue, fat tissue, and vertebral regions of the spine. By using these CT values, the systematic bias of the developed system compared with the gold standard can be determined. Therefore, the accuracy of the developed system was justified. 

(2) The raw data of bone mineral density (BMD) values of clinical patients were measured by the developed system and the predicate for comparison as validation study. The BMD values were determined based on the CT values of region of interests and their equivalent bone mineral density as known. The accuracy and precison of the developed system when measuring the BMD were studied. The precision was determined by using measurements at various time points.

(3)  The raw data of vertebral strength values of clinical patients were measured by the developed system and the predicate for comparison as validation study. Verterbal strength was estimated by using the developed finite element solver first by generating the problem description file. These problem description file were also imported into the predicate to perform finite element analysis. Therefore, the final results simulated by both systems were used for validation purpose.  

(4) The raw data of bone mineral density (BMD) values of clinical patients with/without spinal degenerations were measured by the developed system. All CT data were retrospectively collected from local hospitals. The bone quality profile was defined as BMD for comparison between patients with or without spinal degenerations.

(5) The raw data of ex vivo pullout strength were submitted. The pedicle screw pullout strength were recorded based on ex vivo biomechanical test followed ASTM standards by using porcine vertebrae. The porcine specimens were scanned by micor-CT prior and post pedicle screw insertation. Also, the pedicle screw pullout strength was estimated by using the approached developed. Comparison of the pedicle screw pullout strength between the developed method and ex vivo tests were performed as validation. Also, the pedicle screw pullout strength were estimated by using the finite element analysis, conducted by using Abaqus. These finite element method generated pullout strength were correlated with the estimated pullout strength. 

(6) The ethical approval form from local clinical committee. This proves all the CT data we collected for analysis were approved by following good clinical practice. 

(7) The original presentations in PPT formate for advance seminar series from 2020 to 2021. These presentations includes the study designs and preliminary results of the thesis.


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