Supporting Data for ''The Feasibility of Ceria-Incorporated Materials For Osteoporotic Fracture''
This study's data set is used to investigate the effectiveness of treating osteoporotic fracture with CNP-enriched bone fillers. Chapter 4 includes data for the validation of complications and shortcomings induced by conservative bone fillers. The data set includes materials characterization tests, and in vitro and in vivo studies regarding the performance of the effectiveness of bone healing.
The data set in Chapter 5 includes the materials characterization tests conducted with synthetic CNP with various coatings. The raw data of zeta potential, fluorescent images of cellular uptake and microscopic images of the staining efficiency of CNP are included. The data set in Chapter 6 includes the raw and analyzed data of coated CNP's cell viability and antioxidant capacity. The measured swelling ratio and degradation of coated CNP-contained hydrogel are also included in the folder. The analyzed micro-CT data and raw histological analysis are included. The data set in Chapter 7 includes the animal experiment for the investigation of the bone healing effect induced by CNP-enriched CSPC. The raw data of ICP MS, compression test, FTIR and XRD are included. The analyzed micro-CT results and histological analysis can validate the hypothesis of whether CNP-enriched bone filler is a better option or not.