Supporting Dataset for "Multi-vehicle static bike repositioning problems"
This dataset contains the test instances for three bike repositioning problems: 1) a static green bike repositioning problem with heavy and light vehicles, 2) a static bike repositioning problem with e-bike and conventional bikes, and 3) a static e-bike repositioning problem with charging and non-charging docks. The test instances were used to conduct numerical experiments. The dataset contains bike-sharing network information, either artificial or real-world, including travel distance/time matrices, inventory level(s) at the stations, surplus/deficit at the stations, penalty values at each station with respect to the inventory level(s), parameters used to linearize the penalty function, etc. Each folder may not contain all the information above, subject to the specific problem.
Dataset in folder "SDTBRP" was adapted from "Dataset 1" and "Dataset 3" in the study of Ho and Szeto (2017), "A hybrid large neighborhood search for the static multi-vehicle bike-repositioning problem". Dataset in folder "SEBRP-CN" was adapted from "Dataset 3" in the same study.