Supporting data for "A (Bio)chemo-hydro-mechanical Framework for Enhanced Cracking in Geomaterials"
This is the supporting data for "A (Bio)chemo-hydro-mechanical Framework for Enhanced Cracking in Geomaterials". It includes numerical input files and mesh files for three case studies which are (1) Reactive-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Weak Acid-Assisted Cavity Expansion in Carbonate Rocks, (2) Acid-Assisted Subcritical Blunt-tip Crack Propagation in Carbonate Rocks, (3) Reactive Chemo-Hydro-Mechanics for Cavity Expansion in A Dissolvable Geomaterial. All of the studies are associated with the fundamental problem of elasto-plastic expansion around a cylindrical cavity/crack under the combined effect of fluid pressurization and chemical softening due to the geomaterial’s susceptibility to mineral mass dissolution in the presence of acidity. The file name includes the chapter number corresponding to the chapter list in the PhD thesis.