Supporting data for, 'Acoustic and Perceptual Speech Characteristics of Adults with Spastic and Athetoid Cerebral Palsy'.
This was a research study aiming at investigating the acoustic and perceptual speech characteristics in Cantonese speaking adults with Cerebral Palsy. In the study, there were 15 adults with spastic cerebral palsy, 13 adults with athetoid cerebral palsy and ten healthy controls. In the speech sampling processes, the participants were requested to complete two speech tasks. In Task 1, participants were requested to read aloud nine CVC words with corner vowels for twice. In Task 2, participants were requested to read aloud a phonetically balanced word list. The word list in Task 2 involved testing items in Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test and 4 disyllabic words. Acoustic analysis and perceptual analysis were used to evaluate the speech of participants. In acoustic analysis, the participants' abilities to expand vowel space, preventing collapse of vowel space, dispersing vowel formant two along the horizontal plane and vowel formant one along the vertical plane were compared. In perceptual analysis, the relative speech intelligibility scores of participants with spastic cerebral palsy, athetoid cerebral paly and healthy control in Task 1 and 2 were compared. Details of the variables involved in acoustic and perceptual analysis could be found in Readme file.