Supporting data for “Alternative tobacco product use in Hong Kong adolescents: Use patterns, environmental correlates, and associations with respiratory symptoms”
The zip folder contains 5 parts: SSS201617, SSS201617 codebook, SSS201819, SSS201819 codebook, and Interviews. SSS201617 and SSS2018/19 contains data collected from secondary school students in Hong Kong from 2016/17 to 2018/19, using paper-and-pencil questionnaires. The codebooks provide the label, question and question number in the questionnaire, and value labels for each variable as the user guide of the datasets. The "Interview" folder contained the transcriptions of all the 33 interviews in the project entitled "A study for Informing and Evaluating Tobacco Control Policies in Hong Kong".
Food and Health Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region