Supporting data for “Attitudes, Coping, Online Expression, Help-Seeking, and Engagement in Open Discussion Regarding Suicide Among Hong Kong Youths: A Sequential Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study”
This dataset includes materials and raw/processed data for the thesis tilted "Attitudes, Coping, Online Expression, Help-Seeking, and Engagement in Open Discussion Regarding Suicide Among Hong Kong Youths: A Sequential Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study".
Descriptions of files in the dataset:
Folder 1: Support data_supplement includes 1) data management plan (.docx) and 2) ethics approval (.pdf) for the project granted by IRB. Folder 2: Support data_qualitative dataset includes 1) interview transcripts (.docx) for focus group interviews 1-6 and individual interviews 1-12; 2) interview guide (.docx); and 3) codings and codebook generated for qualiatative data analyses (.nvp; run and performed in NVivo software). Folder 3: Support data_quantitative dataset includes 1) raw data collected via survey questionnaire with embedded documentation (.xlsx); 2) blank questionnaire survey (.docx) in Chinese version; 3) blank questionnaire survey (.docx) in English version; and 4) cleaned dataset generated for quantitative data analysis (.sav; run and performed in SPSS software).