Supporting data for “Behavior, Identity, and Incongruency: When and How are Political Attitudes Moved?”
This thesis adopts a mixed-methods research design to study when and how political attitudes are (not) moved. Specifically, I use survey experiments to test the causal effects of (a) behavior-induced incongruency and (b) interaction between (in)congruency and group identification on the direction and magnitude of changes in political attitudes. In addition, I use field interviews and digital ethnography to explore the microfoundational mechanisms underlying the movement of political attitudes. Both strands of investigation are contextualized in the case of China-Japan relations, focusing on Chinese public's political attitudes toward Japan.
The data submitted include (a) datasets, codebook, and R code for the two experimental modules and (b) the interview protocal and anonymized data.
The project received ethical clearance by the Human Research Ethics Committe at the University of Hong Kong (Ref: EA220072).