HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for "Behaviour and design of cold-formed steel built-up sections under concentrated bearing loads "

posted on 2022-05-16, 03:53 authored by Jun He

 This dataset includes the processed data for the thesis "Behaviour and design of cold-formed steel built-up sections under concentrated bearing loads". 

 A. Filename: Chapter 3     

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 3 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimental data for the material property tests.    


   B. Filename: Chapter 4         

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 4 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimetnal and numerical data for the investigation of cold-formed steel built-up I-sections with different screw arrangements undergoing web crippling.            


   C. Filename: Chapter 5        

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 5 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimetnal and numerical data for the investigation of cold-formed steel built-up box sections with different screw arrangements undergoing web crippling.     

   D. Filename: Chapter 6     

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 6 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimetnal and numerical data for the investigation of cold-formed steel built-up I-sections with web holes undergoing web crippling.      


   E. Filename: Chapter 7         

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 7 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimetnal and numerical data for the investigation of cold-formed steel web-stiffened channels undergoing web crippling.                  


   F. Filename: Chapter 8        

      Short description: This folder corresponds to Chapter 8 of the thesis. This folder includes the experimetnal and numerical data for the investigation of cold-formed steel built-up sections with longitudinal stiffeners undergoing web crippling.      


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