Supporting data for "Community traits responses to land-use conversion and temperature increase, with new approaches to investigate ectotherms thermal tolerance and resilience"
This is a dataset in support of the PhD entitled "Community traits responses to land-use conversion and temperature increase, with new approaches to investigate ectotherms thermal tolerance and resilience" by LEONG Chi Man.
The dataset contained subfiles for each of the working chapters (2-5) as followed:
Chapter 2. Testing the reliability and ecological implications of ramping rates in the measurement of Critical Thermal maximum
Chapter 3. Body mass matters in limiting post heat-coma recovery ability in terrestrial ectotherms
Chapter 4. Is thermal constraint shaping foraging ant assemblages in tropical regions? Integrating thermal and morphological traits to understand consequences of land-use transformation
Chapter 5. Ant community functional traits response to land-use change under different landscape effects
Please refer to the Leong_README.txt for more instructions and guidelines for the dataset.