Supporting data for "Conceptualizing Relationship Building between Peer Support Workers and Persons in Recovery in a Community-based Mental Healthcare Setting in Hong Kong"
This study aimed to explore the development of the relationship between peer support workers (PSWs) and persons in recovery (PIRs) over time in a one-to-one community-based mental health peer support service in Hong Kong. This longitudinal, qualitative study adopted a constructivist grounded theory approach. PSWs, PIRs, key informants (former PSWs) and PSW supervisors were recruited through purposive and theoretical sampling. Data collection was conducted through a dual approach of naturalistic observation and semi-structured interviews. Focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews were conducted to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings. The dataset included the consent forms of the participants, the materials used for data collection, the demographic information of the participants, the field note template and the transcriptions of the interviews.