HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for "Conservation genomics and the evolution of the widespread endangered bunting species"

posted on 2024-07-31, 07:31 authored by Guoling ChenGuoling Chen

This dataset comprises the supporting data for the PhD thesis entitled "Conservation genomics and the evolution of the widespread endangered bunting species". The thesis summarizes the primary research topics and challenges in the field of conservation genetics, and I used the empirical data and simulations to study the related questions using endangered bird species.

In Chapter 2, I analyzed the population structure, gene flow, demographic histories, ecological niche modeling, and genetic features of the critically endangered species, the yellow-breasted bunting. The corresponding dataset is stored in the "Chapter2" folder.

Chapter 3 delved into the genetic impacts of demographic history and bottleneck events on genome-wide genetic diversity, inbreeding level, and deleterious mutations. This analysis was based on empirical data of three bunting species and simulation analysis, with the related dataset and results located in the "Chapter3" folder.

In Chapter 4, I investigated how evolutionary forces shape the genetic islands of differentiation between and within species using the three bunting species. Additionally, I identified the genes under positive selection in these species, and the related data set and results can be found in the "Chapter 4" folder.

Furthermore, detailed information on the samples used in this thesis is available in the "Samples" folder, while the main scripts utilized in this research are stored in the "Scripts" folder.


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