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Supporting data for "Controlling avian influenza with public health measures"

posted on 2022-10-17, 09:35 authored by Damien Alain Michel Philippon

This dataset contains the data collected and generated during the PhD. 

The avian human infections folder contains a dataset from a collection of avian influenza human infections from the published literature and publicly available reports from the WHO, between 1996 to 2021. Information on date of report, age, gender, outcome, exposure, and source (as a DOI or URL to the document providing this information) is available. 

The avian interventions folder contains a dataset from a collection of estimates of public health interventions and their practical applications on avian influenza outbreaks, retreived from the published literature. For each intervention estimate, I provide the source (URL or DOI), target of the intervention, location, dates, pathogenicity of the virus at the origin of the outbreak (when available), subtype of the virus at the origin of the outbreak (when available), details of the periods used for comparison, kind of estimate (relative risk, odds ratio, hazard ratio, reproductive number ratio, incidence ratio, etc), type of unit used (environmental samples, human incidence, poultry flock, poultry farm, etc), raw data (if available), estimate information (point estimate, confidence interval, adjusted or not), and type of interventions used (LPM closure, rest days, cleaning, disinfection, culling, prophylaxis vaccination, emergency vaccination, ban of quail, ban of keeping poultry overnight, ban of restocking, controlled traffic, prophylaxis antivirals, personal protective equipment use, biosecurity improvements and/or training). 

The folder avian poultry network contains two subfolders: models, containing the script used on the free software GAMA platform to simulate an agent based model of avian influenza transmission and public health interventions on a poultry network, and

generated, containing a synthesis of the outputs of seven scenarios applied during my thesis, as R datasets. 


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