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Supporting data for “Design and Test Aspects of Dental Restorations in Bonded Substrates”

posted on 2023-05-19, 07:17 authored by Yanning ChenYanning Chen, Kit Hon TsoiKit Hon Tsoi

This dataset is the supporting data for my PhD thesis, named “Design and Test Aspects of Dental Restorations in Bonded Substrates”. This PhD project included a series of studies regarding to material properties, design factors and testing approaches. The research attempted to conduct in clinically relevant test settings and environments so as to provide a comprehensive evaluation of non-metallic dental restorative materials, laying emphasis on lithium disilicate ceramics and resin-based materials. 

The first dataset, named "Chapter 4 Flowable composite materials", presented supporting data for Thesis Chapter 4 "Comprehensive Evaluation of Flowable Composite Materials Under Wet Challenge". There is data regarding the mechanical properties, wear resistance, water sorption and solubility, elemental release, degree of conversion, and optical properties of flowable composite materials, such that the nanocomposite resins performed better than the compomer. 

The second dataset, named ”Chapter 5 Dentine analogue materials“, provided data about the mechanical and fatigue test results of two dentine analogue materials to substitute human dentine in laboratory fatigue tests. It is the supporting data for Thesis Chapter 5 "Dentine Analogue Materials for Ceramic Crown Fatigue Test: A Reliability Study".

The third dataset, named "Chapter 6 Fatigue Behaviour of Direct and Indirect Restorative Materials", included the flexural properties, energy dissipation parameters, and resistance under wet cyclic fatigue loading of direct and CAD/CAM indirect restorative materials. It is the supporting data for Thesis Chapter 6 "Fatigue Behaviour of Direct and CAD/CAM Indirect Restorative Materials Bonded to a Dentine Analogue Substrate".

The fourth dataset, named "Chapter 7 Morphology and Fracture Behaviour of different crown designs", presented data of occlusal morphological discrepancies and fracture resistance of knowledge-based AI-generated and human CAD-designed crowns. It is the supporting data for Thesis Chapter 7 "Morphology and Fracture Behaviour of Lithium Disilicate Dental Crowns Designed by Human and Knowledge-Based AI".
