Supporting data for "Early Postnatal Testosterone, Parental Input, and Social Communication Development in Infants"
This is the dataset for the MPhil thesis "Early Postnatal Testosterone, Parental Input, and Social Communication Development in Infants". The study examined two factors that may contribute to early social communication development and the related gender differences: early postnatal salivary testosterone during the peak of mini-puberty as well as parental responsiveness. 3 weekly saliva samples were collected at 1–3 months of age for testosterone assays (Stage 1). When the infants reached 12 months of age (Stage 2), they participated in a laboratory session with their mothers. Maternal responsiveness during a reading task, a free play session, and a problem-solving task was measured. Social communication development was also assessed at Stage 2 using both a parent-reported checklist for identification of communication delays and autism as well as lab observation tasks. The lab observation focused on eye contact during parent-child interaction.