Supporting data for “Entertain China: Livestreaming, Erotic Gifts and the Platformization of Sexual Commerce”.
This dataset is the supporting data for " Entertain China: Livestreaming, Erotic Gifts and the Platformization of Sexual Commerce". It is a multifield ethnography conducted from March 2019 to October 2021 and a pilot study (August, 2019)for exploration is also included. This study uses a combination of online and offline approaches. For the online part, I worked full-time for 6 months on the live streaming platform Momo in China. For the offline part, my data was collected from Chengdu(Sichuan), Bazhong (Sichuan), Beijing, Tonghua(Jilin), Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Two methods were applied. The first is ethnography (both online and offline);The second is walk-in method to study the app, to explore its features and interface. The dataset includes videos(Screen recording + video shooting)+ images+ recordings