Supporting data for "Experimental Investigation on Application of Low-frequency Acoustic Wave Induced Particle Agglomeration for Artificial Rainfall Technology"
This dataset includes the raw and processed data for the thesis "Experimental Investigation on Application of Low-frequency Acoustic Wave Induced Particle Agglomeration for Artificial Rainfall Technology".
Folder 1 corresponds to Chapter 4 in the thesis. This folder includes the raw and processed data for acoustic induced particle motion observed by PIV system.
Folder 2 corresponds to Chapter 5 in the thesis. This folder includes the raw and processed data for the particle size spectrum in wind tunnel generated turbulent particle laden flow and the wind tunnel velocity profile measured by hotwire anemometer.
Folder 3 corresponds to Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 in the thesis. This folder includes the raw and processed data for the field test raingauge measurement of acoustic rainfall enhancement and the meterological data measured by the meterological station.