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Supporting data for “Fluoxetine treatment rewires vestibular circuitry and corrects deficits in egocentric navigation of adult mice”

posted on 2023-09-21, 02:21 authored by Man Him Cheung

The dataset ‘section 3.1.1’ contains all data quantified from mice subjected to negative geotaxis test used for generating result in section 3.1.1, including the identifier, treatment received (different doses of bicuculline via Elvax slice implantation and control) and the time taken to complete the test of each animal in each trial on each testing day.

The dataset ‘section 3.1.2’ contains all data quantified from mice subjected to air-righting test used for generating result in section 3.1.2, including the identifier, treatment received (different doses of bicuculline via Elvax slice implantation and control) and the air-righting score of each animal in each trial on each testing day.

The dataset ‘sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4’ contains all data quantified from mice subjected to dead reckoning test used for generating result in sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, including the identifier, treatment received (different doses of bicuculline via Elvax slice implantation and control for section 3.1.3, treatment of fluoxetine and/or wobble vestibular stimulation after bicuculline via Elvax slice implantation for section 3.1.4) and the values for dead reckoning evaluation parameters of each animal in each trial.

The dataset ‘section 3.2.2_P28’ contains all data quantified from the brain sections of P28 mice used in lineage tracing for generating result in sections 3.2.2, including the identifier, treatment received (fluoxetine treatment or control) and the values for each parameter of analysis (counts of different types of neural cells) from each animal.

The dataset ‘section 3.2.2_P60’ contains all data quantified from the brain sections of P60 mice used in lineage tracing for generating result in sections 3.2.2, including the identifier, treatment received (fluoxetine treatment or control) and the values for each parameter of analysis (counts of different types of neural cells) from each animal.

The dataset ‘section 3.2.3’ contains all data quantified from neurosphere assay using cells from P21 mouse brainstem for generating result in sections 3.2.3, including the number of cell clusters counted under different treatments (normal or with 5-HT supplement) with cells from dorsal brainstem or ventral brainstem in each trial.

The dataset ‘section 3.3’ contains all data quantified from the brain sections of mice used in anterograde monosynaptic trans-neuronal tracing for generating result in sections 3.3, including the identifier, treatment received (control, bicuculline, or bicuculline with subsequent fluoxetine and wobble vestibular stimulation treatment) and the values for each parameter of analysis (cell counts) from each animal.

The dataset ‘section 3.4’ contains all data quantified from the brain sections of mice used in retrograde monosynaptic trans-neuronal tracing for generating result in sections 3.4, including the identifier, treatment received (control, bicuculline, or bicuculline with subsequent fluoxetine and wobble vestibular stimulation treatment) and the values for each parameter of analysis (cell counts) from each animal.

The dataset ‘section 3.5’ contains all data quantified from the brain sections of mice used in AAV-mediated retrograde tracing for generating result in sections 3.5, including the identifier, treatment received (control or bicuculline-treated) and the numbers of retrogradely labelled neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus from each animal.


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