Supporting data for “Footwear microclimate and its ventilation control”
There are five groups of data in this dataset. The first group is the bacterial concentration data obtained from human plantar skin. The quantification of bacterial 16S rRNA-encoding was completed using qPCR. The second group is the footwear data including the insulation data and geometry data for five types of footwear in two sizes. The insulation data were determined based on a newly designed thermal foot manikin system. The geometry data were obtained based on the scanned results by a 3D scanner. The third group is human data including the skin temperature data and the foot geometry data from eight participants. The skin temperatures at eight body locations were obtained by wireless iButtons, and the geometry data were obtained based on the scanner results by a 3D scanner. The fourth group is the in-shoe temperature and humidity data of three types of footwear when worn by three participants. The data were obtained based on a newly designed portable T/RH monitoring system. The last group is the ventilation rate data of the three types of footwear when worn by the three participants at two gait speeds. The data were obtained based on a newly developed chamber method. The collection of human data was approved by HKU HREC (reference number: EA1908003 and EA200116) and no personal identifiers were shown in the dataset.