HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for “HBM for empowering parental toothbrushing and sugar intake control in reducing ECC among young children

posted on 2024-07-09, 08:30 authored by Ketian Wang

This dataset uploaded is the dataset to support my analysis, results and conclusion for the thesis, mainly for Chapter 4-8. The Chapter 1 of my thesis is an introduction of the study. Chapter 2 is the protocol of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted among parent-child dyads, which is the study of my PhD project. Chapter 3 is a systematic review. Therefore, Chapter 1-3 were not in relation to any study data. Chapter 4-8 reported the analysis, the result and the conclusion drawn from the data collected from the RCT.

The variables included in the dataset are composed of the variables collected from the 3 observation timepoints: baseline, the 1st follow-up, and the 2nd follow-up. The variables collected at the baseline had no prefix. Those collected at the 1st follow-up had an “f” as the prefix, and an “s” for those collected at the 2nd follow-up.

The variables include the information regarding the demographic information, parental oral health behaviors, the health beliefs based on the health belief model, and the clinical status of the children (caries status and the visible plaque index). All of their names, descriptions and the values (if applicable) has been shown in the README file attached.

The dataset was in an SAV file, which could be opened and operated in SPSS.


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