HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for “Hair follicle tissue engineering - cell niche screening, in vitro 3D model for drug screening, and pilot animal model”

posted on 2023-04-03, 01:28 authored by Wanjing Ou

Files in the "Chapter 2" folder include confocal images in tif format, quantitative data in csv, xlsx and pzfx format, roi set files (opened by ImageJ) used for image processing, R coding files used for data processing and figure production, and figures in png format.

Files in the "Chapter 3" folder include confocal images in tif format, raw cytokine array assay images in tif format, raw bright-field images and histological staining images in jpg format, roi set files (opened by ImageJ) used for measurement, measured cytokine expression data in xlsx format, raw PCR data in xlsx format, statistical analysis data in pzfx format, raw drug screening data in xlsx format and processed statistical analysis data in pzfx format .

Files in the "Chapter 4" folder include raw images in jpg format, raw histological staining and IHC staining images in jpg format, roi set files (opened by ImageJ) used for measurement, measured data in cdv format and statistical analysis data in pzfx format. 


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