File(s) under embargo
Reason: The reason for the embargo is that the data includes potential inventions that the researcher aims to safeguard through patents. For instance, the dataset for Chapters 2, 4, and 5 is subject to protection. Additionally, the data in Chapter 3 is confidential due to an ongoing publication process. Furthermore, the scanned recordings for the Notebook are sensitive
Supporting data for “Harnessing Metal-Organic Frameworks for Precise, Hierarchical, and Reconfigurable Colloidal Self-Assembly”.
This main folder includes four sub-folders, each containing supporting data used in Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the thesis. The data consists of AFM data, Birefriengence data, Confocal data, DLS data, processed images, SEM data, videos, and publications.
Additionally, there is a sub-folder called "Notebook" which contains PDF files of scanned lab recordings that provide detailed information about the experiments.
Furthermore, the main folder includes a PDF file named "Data Management Plan" that outlines the approach for organizing and handling the data.