HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for “Host and Viral Predictive Factors of Spontaneous Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroclearance in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients”

posted on 2021-12-21, 10:06 authored by Karin Kan
This is a retrospective longitudinal case-control study that use data and plasma archive collected in the Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong from 2005-2021.
120 chronic hepatitis B patients who lost HBsAg (refer to S-losers thereafter) were age-matched and sex-matched with those who remained positive for HBsAg in a 1:1 ratio (240 patients in total). Plasma level of anti-HBc level, cytokines (IP-10, IL-21, IL2) level, and HBV spliced variants (Sp13, Sp1) level were quantified at 0-1 years before (0 to -1 Year), 1-3 years before (-1 to -3 Year), 3-5 years before (-3 to -5 Year), 5-8 years before (-5 to -8 Year), 8-10 years before (-8 to -10 Year) HBsAg seroclearance (or reference point for the control group).

This data set include raw file generated by the laboratory instruments and the excel file containing the statistical analysis for the quantification anti-HBc, cytokines (IL-2, IL-21, IP-10), spliced variants (Sp13, Sp1). The excel file containing confidential personal informations so access is restricted. Users can only viewed the anonymised version of the file to prevent reidentification of participants of the study.


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