Supporting data for the research studies on residential colleges
Reason: The interviewees in this study involved some sensitive issues, but privacy was ensured and effort was made to minimize the exploitation of participants. So it is necessary to protect the privacy of the participants.
Supporting data for "Incorporating Chinese and Western Traditions in Universities: A Study on Residential Colleges in Mainland China"
This study is about the perspectives of stakeholders and students in their activities and their rationales for three case residential colleges in mainland China. It focuses on how the participants have built their perspectives and understanding of residential colleges and the theoretical integration of the traditions. The dataset contains several files within each of which interview materials, original recording documents, and research reports by each case, Each document is named as focus group 1-N or P (principal) 1-N or C (Counselor) 1-N to indicate the category of the data.
An Excel form is provided in Chinese to describe the information of my participants. Since the dataset contains some very sensitive information about participants, it is embargoed.