Supporting data for "Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Modeling of the Baoding Plain in Northern China: Towards Groundwater Sustainability through Managed Aquifer Recharge"
The sediment core records (n=736) are with depth from 0.15 m to 608 m.The borehole database consists of a total of 17,314 interpretations of lithology for a total length of 79.1 km of sediments. The original borehole record has roughly more than 300 lithology names and according to the similar grain size and permeability, they were subsequently categorized into clay, silt, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravel, pebble and gravel, and bedrock with proportions of 49%, 9%, 19%, 9%, 4%, 5%, 3%, 1%, respectively. These data were used for hydrogeological trend analysis and heterogeneous hydrostratigraphic model construction of the Baoding Plain.