HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for “Investigating the Effects of Gamification on Student Learning Engagement and Performance”

posted on 2022-02-14, 02:18 authored by Shurui Bai

There are 12 datasets in this folder. This study aims to understand how two gamification design models would affect students’ learning performance and intrinsic motivation in learning. The first model is the goal-access-feedback-challenge-collaboration GAFCC gamification design model. The second model is the goal-access-feedback-challenge-collaboration-fantasy GAFCC-F gamification design model.

To measure the students’ learning performance, a pre-intervention test, a mid-term test, and a post-intervention test were administered. The pre-intervention test contained seven short essay questions examining students’ prior ability to name an appropriate instructional strategy to obtain a given learning outcome. This test was conducted in the first session of the course. The following are sample questions from the test: What are some important elements of a good lesson objective? What are the instructional strategies to teach “concepts”? What are the instructional strategies to teach “facts”?

I measured the students’ learning performance with a mid-term exam (i.e., at Week 5). This test examined both the students’ factual knowledge (i.e., explanations of concepts and differentiation of several e-learning design models) and problem-solving ability (i.e., application of appropriate instructional strategies to address a real-world instructional scenario). The post-intervention test referred to the following three final assignments: a) design a storyboard to train customer-facing representatives to sell one beauty product, b) analyze one e-learning hack and c) design and build content for one online Moodle course.

Students’ intrinsic motivation was measured and compared three times (i.e., pre-test, mid-term, post-test) using the interest/enjoyment subscale of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI, Ryan, 1982). In this study, we used all seven items from the interest/enjoyment subscale of IMI to measure the students’ intrinsic motivation in a gamified class at three stages: (a) pre-intervention, (b) mid-term, and (c) post-intervention stages. An example of the interest/enjoyment item is “I enjoyed doing this activity very much”.


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