Supporting data for "Mechanistic understanding of immunological responses of oysters to ocean acidification"
This dataset includes four subfolders, which correspond to each data chapter of the thesis.
Each folder includes several Excel files to preserve the raw data for each figure in the thesis. Some excel represents a single panel in the figure, such as Figure2.1B. Some excel contains multiple sheets, and each sheet represents one panel or one chart in the figure. For example, Figure 2.2 contains Figure 2.2A and Figure 2.2C.
Some raw data which have been uploaded to a public database are preserved in a text document with a URL link to the database. For example, in chapter 2, the related transcriptome raw data have been deposited in NCBI SRA and the URL link can be found in the text document named "Transcriptome_rawdata.txt" in chapter 2 folder.