Supporting data for "Monitoring Early Development and Learning of Young Children in China: Findings from Adult and Direct Assessment"
This dataset includes data of the three primary studies of my thesis. This thesis evaluates progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 4.2 in China, which aims to ensure access to quality early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education for all children by 2030.
This dataset includes data utilized in Chapters 3, 4, and 5. Each individual file contains raw data along with a readme.txt file, which outlines the variable names and their corresponding labels.
Specifically, Chapter Three conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of international literature to investigate the concordance between different methods in assessing young children's learning and developmental competencies across contexts.Chapter Four measured the developmental status of 309 children (Mage = 49.66, SD = 5.50) using direct assessment and parent report longitudinally. It also compared the results of parent and teacher reports.Chapter Five explored the appropriateness of the ECDI2030 in assessing SDG Target Indicator 4.2.1 of 45 children aged 2 years (Mage = 30.06 months, SD = 3.49).