Supporting data for "Polymeric Microcapsules for Self-healing Application in Geotechnical Engineering"
This research designed and synthesized polymeric microcapsules by matching shell and cargo systems suitable for self-healing purposes in geotechnical applications. The research result demonstrated the microcapsules application in soil hydrophobicity recovery, enhanced soil remediation, soil strength recovery, and the arrest for soil desiccation cracking. The support data_Folder1 contains data for the chapter on soil hydrophobicity recovery. The support data_Folder2 contains data for the chapters on enhanced soil remediation. The support data_Folder3 and 4 contain data for the chapters on soil strength recovery. The support data_Folder5 contains data for the chapters on soil desiccation cracking. It includes the conceptual diagram, experiment process, microscopic, and SEM images in jpeg/tif format, the data for microcapsule characteristics, such as size, TGA analysis, and FTIR analysis, and the data for microcapsule performance assessment.