Supporting data for "Population genomics and illegal trade of Critically Endangered Asian pangolins"
This project endeavours to use genomic information of Asian pangolins to better understand their population structure and evolutionary relationships, as well as associated illegal trade dynamics. Specifically, the first project (chapter 2) aims to resolve the comprehensive population genetics and structure of the Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica), while the second project (chapter 3) aims to resolve the evolutionary relationships between a putative fifth Asian pangolin species and other existing Asian pangolin species. These files include DNA extraction and raw sequencing data of pangolin scales seized in Hong Kong used in both chapters, such as fasta files from Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial regions CytB and COI, and low coverage whole genome resequencing data (in fastq format) from Illumina sequencing. All results from both chapters are generated from these raw data files.