Supporting data for "Real-World Visual Search in AI Model and Human Participant: Detecting Vehicles and Humans in Driving Scenarios"
This contains three datasets for two studies in the MPhil thesis entitled "Real-World Visual Search in AI Model and Human Participant: Detecting Vehicles and Humans in Driving Scenarios."
The first file named "final_analysis_CogSci_6all_data_2_analyze_fix_summary_12_11_2023_13_04_short.csv" contains the subject ID and all the measures used for data analysis in the thesis. It was for study 2 to analyze whether the ASD and TD groups differed in visual search performance and eye gaze behavior.
The file named "hum_HR_PccSheet_expert_vs_normal_three_models_allTrials_selectedTrials.csv" contains the data for each image for the human search task. The variables included results from human participants and AI models used in the study 1.
The file named "veh_HR_Pcc_expert_vs_normal_three_models_allTrials_selectedTrials.csv" contains the data for each image for the vehicle search task. The variables included results from human participants and AI models used in the study 1.