Supporting data for "Redeveloping collective land in urban China: Transitional institutions, negotiation process and planning effectiveness"
This dataset includes the supporting data for the thesis “Redeveloping collective land in urban China: Transitional institutions, negotiation process and planning effectiveness”. This research explored a prominent transformation of urban governance from an active to a more passive form in Shenzhen, China, to break the impasse of redeveloping collective land in highly-urbanised areas. The transformation was reflected by the parallel adoption of a public mode of land readjustment (i.e., government-led land readjustment) and a private mode (i.e., market-driven urban renewal) as a replacement for the traditional mode of public land redevelopment. This was the first attempt of Chinese local governments to adopt both public and private modes for citywide large-scale land redevelopment, in the context where local government has been a monopolistic supplier in local primary land markets for the past decades. The institutional innovation greatly solved the problem of assembling multiple ownership and promoted the redevelopment of collective land in Shenzhen. This study contributed to the existing literature on urban governance to land redevelopment from three aspects. First, it unveiled the dynamics and the ways of governance transformation to land redevelopment in China’s local practice. Second, it engaged in the international debate about the relative effectiveness and efficiency of public and private modes of land redevelopment in the same context. Third, it revealed the mechanism how institutional factors interact with key stakeholders’ behaviours and collectively affect negotiation processes and outcomes of land redevelopment at the project level.