Supporting data for "Regulatory Mechanisms underlying the Development of Neural Crest Cells and Associated Diseases as Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing"
Includes single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) processed data in Rdata format, easily readable. Files include scRNA-seq of Hh activated ENCC, Hh inactivated ENCC, Control ENCC, Kif7 cKO ENCC, hPSC, hENCC, hNP, SAG treated hENCC, and HSCR-hENCC. All datasets are in a matrix format where column indicates cell name and row indicates genes. The value in the matrix is read count for each gene in each cell. Full details of the datasets can be found in my thesis.
Raw sequencing data of all published single-cell RNA-seq datasets from our lab are available in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) at the NCBI Center with the accession number PRJNA616233 (Chapter 3), PRJNA784249 (Chapter 4) and PRJNA752243 (Chapter 5).