Supporting data for "Repurposing Existing Antiviral Agents and Discovery of Novel Antiviral Target against Emerging Coronaviruses"
The dataset contains raw data for the thesis "Repurposing Existing Antiviral Agents and Discovery of Novel Antiviral Target against Emerging Coronaviruses". Similar to my thesis, the dataset is separated into two main folders "chapter 2" and "chapter 3". "chapter 2" is the raw data for the paper "Broad-Spectrum Host-Based Antivirals Targeting the Interferon and Lipogenesis Pathways as Potential Treatment Options for the Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" published in Viruses. It is about the repurposing of existing antiviral agents for COVID-19 treatment. "chapter 3" contains raw data for the manuscript "Identification of Novel Small-Molecule inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 by Chemical Genetics", which is in preparation for publication.