HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for "Sub-5 nm Fabrication on Free-standing Structure Enabled by Helium Ion Microscope"

posted on 2021-09-24, 06:55 authored by Xin Zhuang, Liqiu Wang, Yue Zhang, Yunsheng Deng, Xing Cheng, Yulong Chen
The file named "Supporting data for-Direct visualization of beam-resist interaction volume for sub-nanometer helium ion beam lithography" contains the PPT describe the process to visulize the interaction volumn and the word file provides the supporint information.

The file name "Supporting data for-SHIBL on Free-standing SiNx to Fabricate nanostructures with Sub-nanometer LER"
contains the supporting data describe a strategy to fabricate nanostructures with sub-nanometer line edge roughness, the AFM data record the resist thinkness, the codes and the simulation data describe how to simulate LER as the resist thicnkess variate and The TEM image records the nanostructures at sub-nanometer accuracy.

The file named "Supporting data for-Sub-5nm Nanogap with Sub-nanometer Roughness and Sub-nanometer Accuracy" contains the codes file demonstrate how to calculate gap roughness, the TEM image files record how a nanogap is shrunk and functionlized by HIM and the HIM images record the nanogap milled by SHIBM.
