Supporting data for “The investigation on the spatial control of sensory nerve and blood vessel regeneration in osteogenesis”
This study identified the spatial guidance mechanism that regulate the reinnervation process of sensory nerves, which is essential for the regeneration of bone tissue. This thesis data contained three databases for Chapter 4, 5, and 6. The database for Chapter 4 contained the figures, excels, and prism files generated from genotyping experiment, micro-CT analysis, histological analysis, IHC staining, and scRNA-seq. The database for Chapter 5 contained the figures, excels, and prism files for the characterization of macrophages, the cellular interaction between the macrophages and DRGs. The database for Chapter 6 contained the figures, excels, and prism files regarding the underlying mechanism of spatial control generated by IHC staining, ICC staining and scRNA-seq . All of the data were input and summarized and named accordingly into subfolders for different analysis method.