Chapter 2, 3, 4, and 5
Reason: The files contain unpublished data which should remain confidential until publication.
Supporting data for "The role of spermatozoa-zone pellucida interaction in selecting fertilization-competent spermatozoa in humans"
The hypothesis of this study is that spermatozoa-ZP binding interaction plays a functional role in selecting fertilization-competent spermatozoa with superior fertilizing ability and genetic quality
To test the proposed hypothesis, the main objectives of this study are:
1. To establish spermatozoa-ZP incubation assays to isolate ZP-bound and -unbound spermatozoa
2. To establish the relationship between the ZP-binding ability and genetic quality of spermatozoa
3. To establish the ZP- binding ability of spermatozoa and expression levels of protein markers
4. To establish a hybrid AI- based modelforthemorphologicpredictionofhumanspermatozoawithZP-bindingability