Supporting data for "Ukrainian Intellectuals and de-Sovietization: Between Scholarship and Society"
This comparative case study investigated the de-Sovietization of Ukrainian history, literary studies, philosophy, and sociology to further understanding of transformations in the disciplines previously indoctrinated with Marxism-Leninism for the molding of the Soviet people. This qualitative research draws on the Derridian concepts of decentering and deconstruction, alongside Drahomanov’s conceptualization of the collective agency exercised through self-governing communities to conceptualize de-Sovietization. This study focused on scholarly conceptualizations and interpretations of re-envisioning values, practices, and institutions in epistemic communities crucial during the Ukrainian struggle for freedom and independence. The comparative case studies of each discipline draw on document analysis and interviews with researchers in the four selected epistemic communities to compare disciplinary experiences with de-Sovietization in embattled Ukraine.
Re-imagining Intellectual Leadership in Post-Soviet Higher Education
University Grants Committee
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