HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for " Understanding phenotypic plasticity of phytoplankton to changing environments: Interaction and mechanism".

posted on 2023-08-25, 03:47 authored by Zhenzhen Li

Description of the data uploaded:

This dataset compressed the original data and analysis data (including R script). It is uploaded for fulfilling the partial requirements of the Ph.D. degree corresponding to the thesis submitted by Zhenzhen Li (Ph.D. candidate from the University of Hong Kong).

Data files contain raw data (in .csv file), R script (in .text file), and reference genome sequencing and annotation for the species, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, downloaded from the Ensembl database (in the .text file).

Content list with separate files related to each of the experimental chapters:

  • Chapter 2: 1_raw data and R script for analyzing TPC of growth rate under varying light conditions; 2_raw data for carrying capacity (K) and photochemical efficiency (FvFm) and R script; 3_raw data and R script for the temperature gradient in experiment design.
  • Chapter 3: raw data and R script for all the parameters under varying nitrogen conditions.
  • Chapter 4: raw data and R script for the growth rate and curve under fluoxetine and temperature treatments.
  • Chapter 5: 1_raw data and R script for the physiological parameters under fluoxetine and temperature treatments; 2_reference genome and annotation of p.t. downloaded from the Ensembl database; 3_raw gene counts and R script for differentially expressed genes (DEGs) analysis; 4_raw data of DEGs and R script for gene set enrichment of the gene ontology analysis (topGO).


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