Supporting data for Understanding the Regulation of the PI(3,4,5)P3-Cdc42 Signaling Axis in Macrophage Podosomes
The dataset includes the data for my PhD thesis 'Understanding the Regulation of the PI(3,4,5)P3-Cdc42 Signaling Axis in Macrophage Podosomes'. These data are categorized into two files related to chapters 1-4 of the thesis. Chapter 1 includes the all of image data including various Cdc42 GEFs locations and podosome formation ratios in different treatment groups. Part 2 is mainly composed of multiple western blot result figures. And Chapter3 is about cell functional assays. Chapter 4 is supplemental data. All of these figures help to validate the interaction between PI3K, Vav1, and Cdc42, and elucidate the biological functions of this signaling axis in macrophage degradation and invasion. Overall, this comprehensive dataset provides important insights into the regulation of the PI(3,4,5)P3-Cdc42 signaling pathway and its role in macrophage podosome dynamics and functions.