HKU Data Repository

File(s) under permanent embargo

Reason: The files contain raw interview data. While according to HREC protocol participants gave permission for the interviews to be used for research purposes and future publication, and willingly disclosed their first name, age, and home country, during the course of interviews other identifying information was disclosed. To preserve participants' anonymity, the interviews are withheld from the public.

Supporting data for '"Untouched" Myanmar: An Ethnography of a Tourism Frontier'

posted on 2021-03-02, 01:20 authored by Sean Philip Smith
This dataset includes raw and analytical files generated during research for the PhD thesis, '"Untouched" Myanmar: An Ethnography of a Tourism Frontier'. The dataset includes interview recordings, interview transcripts, metadata files, images used within the thesis manuscript, research ethics approval documents, and questions asked of interview participants.

The thesis project investigates the discourse of contemporary tourism. In addition to sociolinguistic and literary analysis, the project used a linguistic-ethnographic approach to analyze discourse. Tourists were recruited for interviews during participant observation and asked questions from the listed set in an unstructured format.


2019-20 University Research Committee Hong Kong Louis Cha Postgraduate Research Fellowship: “Tourism development in southern Myanmar.”

2019 Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee research grant: “Social media and tourism in Myanmar.”

2018 HKU Research Services travel support grant


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