Supporting data for "Utilizing Consumer-directed Care for Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Supply-side and Demand-side Examination"
Study 1 contains two data files: "Expert Survey" and "Policy Information." Using cross-national document analysis, I analyzed eleven CDC programs from seven selected countries (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, China, Australia, and Spain). A total of 14 indicators capturing the three dimensions of CDC programs was developed, and I conducted an expert survey (n=20) to gauge the importance of each indicator. I coded each program’s performance based on 14 indicators then examined similarities and differences of policy features across programs using descriptive statistics and graphical approaches.
Study 2 used qualitative methods, and data were documented by the file "Transcript". Using semi-structured face-to-face interviews, I recruited older persons receiving public home-based services (n = 6) and family members (n = 18) between April and August 2021. Inductive thematic analysis was employed to investigate the views of older clients and family members about policy designs that promote consumer direction in a collectivist cultural setting—Guangzhou, China.
Study 3 adopted quantitative survey methods, and the data were presented in the file "Survey." It is a telephone administered survey, which was collected in Guangzhou, China in 2021. Older persons using public in-home services under long-term care insurance were included, and proxies (family members) of older clients were allowed. The survey asked respondents about their service utilization and psychosocial factors.