Supporting data for "Navigating Discord: Unpacking the Parent-Child Political Incongruence Amidst the 2019 Social Unrest and Its Impact on Family Relationships"
This thesis investigates the roots and longer-term consequences of parent-child political incongruence during and after the 2019 social unrest in Hong Kong, focusing on moral disagreements, impacts on personal and family life, and protective factors for family bonds. Utilizing data from forum comments, surveys, and diaries collected from 2019 to 2021, the thesis explores: 1) moral disagreements contributing to political incongruence; 2) effects of political incongruence on individuals' personal and family well-being; and 3) protective factors that mitigate its impact on emotional connections among family members.
The first two datasets include text-mining data and narratives from forum discussions on LIHKG in 2019. The third dataset consists of young adult data from a two-wave prospective survey conducted from 2019 to 2020. The fourth to sixth datasets comprise cross-sectional survey data from a mixed sample of young and older adults collected in 2021, along with follow-up data from 14-day diary records and surveys on its subsample.