Supporting data for "Physical Activity for Cognitive Health in Obesity and Cancer"
The dataset file contains two excel files of the dataset/supporting data for the MPhil thesis submission: (1) "ChildhoodCancer_PA_Cognition_SRMA_study.xlsx" and (2) "Obesity_AIT_Cognition_RCT_study.xlsx".
The first excel file contains a dataset of a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effects of physical activity and exercise interventions on cognitive function in individuals affected by childhood cancer. This excel file consists of four worksheets: (1) "PrimaryDataRCT" contains the data for the primary outcome meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, (2) "PrimaryDataNRSI" contains the data for the primary outcome meta-analysis of non-randomised studies of interventions, (3) "SecondaryDataRCT" contains the data for the secondary outcome meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, and (4) "SecondaryDataNRSI" contains the data for the secondary outcome meta-analysis of non-randomised studies of interventions.
The second excel file contains a dataset of a secondary analysis of an on-going three-arm randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of once-weekly AIT versus thrice-weekly AIT on cognitive function in adults with obesity. This excel file consists of two worksheets: "ParticipantCharacteristics" contains the data for baseline participant characteristics and "Data" contains the data of outcome measurements.