HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for “Transforming Intellectual Traditions in Modern and Global Times: The Experiences of Chinese Scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences

posted on 2023-10-25, 08:40 authored by Yanzhen Zhu

This dataset involves all qualitative data that my doctoral research needs. It includes the interview outlines and transcripts of 20 interviewees, the published intellectual works of 28 participants (20 out of 28 are interviewees), and the codings generated during data analysis.

All participants are Mainland Chinese scholars working in research-intensive universities, born during the 1950s-80s, and from 15 different fields of humanities and social sciences (HSS). The raw data are mainly in text format (pdf and Word files), including their academic publications, essays, interviews, and (autho)biographies that can reflect their ideas and experiences about Chinese traditions. Additionally, this dataset also contains the coding set based on the raw data, a file can be opened through MAXQDA, a software project for qualitative data analysis. The codings are generated to analyze how Chinese HSS scholars deal with Chinese traditions in their scholarly production and intellectual lives.

The dataset will be helpful for researchers interested in the development of the humanities and social sciences in China, Chinese traditions in the modern higher education system, and non-Western traditions in the globalized world.


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