Supporting data for my thesis entitled "Developing 21st Century Skills through Esport Gaming Environment and Investigating the Transferable Effects in Near and Far Contexts."
This datasets folder is generated on 15 April 2024 by Yuchun, Zhong
Title of Dataset: Supporting data for my thesis entitled "Developing 21st Century Skills through Esport Gaming Environment and Investigating the Transferable Effects in Near and Far Contexts."
This folder contains datasets of four interconnected studies. Two studies (Study 1 & Study 2) were already published. Two studies (Study 3 & Study 4) have been submitted to journals. The main folder includes the following four subfolders representing each of four studies.
1) The first file named Study 1 systematic review. The folder contains information of 66 articles reviewed. These articles can be accessed through database such as web of science.
2) the second file named Study 2 qualitative study. The folder contains transcribed interview data. As this article has been published, the coding scheme and details can be accessed online.
3) The third file named Study 3 mixed methods for skills development. The folder includes datasets on knowledge test, questionnaire, external ratings, and focus group interviews transcript.
4) The fourth file named Study 4 mixed methods for skills transfer. The folder includes data on questionnaire survey, external ratings, and interviews transcript.
The datasets of each study were processed through following softwares.
Study 1: Endnote Version: 20
Study 2: MACQDA Version: 2020
Study 3: Name: Jamovi Version: 2.3.28
Study 4: Name: Jamovi Version: 2.3.28; Name: Pycharm Community Edition Version: 2022.3.1