Supporting data for the manuscript "New Paradigm of Unsaturated Erosion Model for Flow-type Landslides: Debunking the Importance of Frictional Shear stress"
The spreadsheet contains data obtained in the physical experiments. The experiments are simulation of erosion of unsaturated soil beds caused by flow-type landslides. More specifically, these data are:
(1) Time-history of the basal forces generated by dry gravel flows measured by the loadcell. The loadcell is installed on the rigid bed.
(2) The probability distribution of basal forces generated by flows with different flow particle size.
(3) The probability distribution of basal forces generated by flows with different Froude number.
(4) Test program and the properties of the flows and bed material.
(5) A summary of the test results.
(6) Erosion depth measured by the 14 erosion columns.
(7) A summary of the test data obtained by Hsu et al. (2008) in modelling of rock erosion. (Citation: Hsu, L., Dietrich, W. E., & Sklar, L. S. (2008). Experimental study of bedrock erosion by granular flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 113(F2).)
Mechanisms of Interaction between Debris Flow and Baffles: Physical Modelling